2023 Campaign Platform

the last 4 years

  • For decades, homeowners were faced with ever-increasing property taxes from Copley’s fire, police and road levies. We stopped this insanity in my 1st term.

  • For 25 years, businesses in the JEDD paid taxes to Akron but never received the sanitary sewers Akron promised them. We solved this in my 1st term.

  • For 15 years, Copley Township struggled with how and where to build a new police/fire station. We solved this in my 1st term.

  • For 5 years, Township government spent more money than it raised. We stopped that in my 1st year.

the next 4 years

The focus over the last 4 years was providing a solid financial foundation and basic infrastructure. There is still much to do. Here are my focal points moving forward;

  • Economic Development

  • Choice in Broadband

  • Drinking water

  • Trails and Parks

Visit the “results” page for details on how we solved the above mentioned long-term issues as well as how we are focused on the future.