Jim Schulte - Copley Township Trustee
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Jim Schulte

 About This Website

  • This is NOT the official Copley Township website and the content may not reflect the official position of the Township.

  • The purpose of this website is to;

    • Keep you informed of what the Township is doing; sometimes offering my opinions.

    • Occasionally report on the progress the Township is making; in particular against what I promised when you elected me as Trustee in 2019.

    • Goals for the next 4 year term - 2024-2027.

 Quick Facts about Jim

  • Copley resident for over 33 years.

  • Veteran.

  • Certified Public Accountant.

  • Copley business owner for 29 years.

  • Married to Kristi for 35 years.

  • Father of three; Kirsten, Alex and Joey - all graduates of Copley High School.

  • Three-time graduate of The University of Akron with undergraduate degrees in Criminal Justice and Accounting as well as a Master of Taxation.